Friday, May 4, 2012

Heel - Cerebrum Compositum N 10 vials

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Yes..!! I want to share you more about Heel - Cerebrum Compositum N 10 vials

Heel - Cerebrum Compositum N 10 vials Ingredients per 100 ml: Aesculus hippocastanum 4x, Cinchona officinalis 4x, Coculus indicus 4x, Conium maculatum 4x, Gelsemium sempervirens 4x, Ruta graveolens 4x, Aconitum napellus 6x, Anacardium orientale 6x, Hyoscyamus niger 6x, Kali phosphoricum 6x, Thuja occidentalis 6x, Cerebrum suis 8x, Ignatia amara 8x, Kali bichromicum 8x, Manganum phosphoricum 8x, Ambra grisea 10x, Bothrops lanceolatus 10x, Embryo totalis suis 10x, Hepar suis 10x, Magnesia phosphorica 10x, Phosphoricum acidum 10x, Placenta suis 10x, Selenium metallicum 10x, Sulphur 10x, Medorrhinum 13x, Syphilinum 13x, Arnica montana, radix 28x 1 ml each. Other ingredients: Isotonic sodium-chloride solution. Suggested use: Adults, in general, 1 vial 1-3 times daily. Children ages 2 to 6 receive 1/2 the adult dosage. Note: Unused portion of open vials should be discarded. Not for injection.

Product Features
Heel - Cerebrum Compositum N 10 vials

100% satisfaction guaranteed for Heel - Cerebrum Compositum N 10 vials


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